About Day Care Services


Childcare At Your Hours

When you have errands to run, projects to complete or any unforseen activities that requre time away from your child, we have your back. Whether it’s a few hours, in the evening or weekends we are here to help

A Great Fall Back To Option

Ever had one of those days when you could not find Day Care Services? Do not worry any more, here at Shady Grove, our mission is to be here to watch you children so that you can get done the important things that keep you going.

Convenience, Safety and Peace

Whatever your schedule is, we can work with you. Just come by, tell us when you need help, drop off your child and our licensed centers will take care of your child. We will keep them educated, fed, entertained and back to you.

Our Location

Shady Grove Learning Center

3200 W Shadygrove Rd Irving, Tx 75060

Phone Number: (972) 986 9351

Fax Number: (972) 513 1785

Email: shadygrovelearn@gmail.com

Day Care Hours

Mon - Fri: 06:00 AM - 06:30 PM

20+ Years In Business
